Omnitech Company Profile

Omnitech Company Profile
When the form is substance
The Company Profile of Omnitech, a company specialized in the field of composite materials based on highly performing acrylic resins, is a rich volume of particular graphic solutions. The softness and warmth of the paper are the same as those found in an Omnitech bathtub or sink. The dry printing in low relief transmits the elegance and softness of the forms. Last but not least, the Swiss binding with the blank canvas transforms the book into a real object, emphasizing the combination of craftsmanship and industrial production.
To date, communication is fundamental in B2B as much as in B2C, says Massimo Crosta, owner and account of Consilia who curated the project together with Roberto Bandiera, art director. The companies, continues Crosta, need to give visibility to their production, service and know-how through a language and an aesthetic that are in line with the times and especially close to their target. Only in this way can they think of competing with the other players and of being able to broaden their reference market.