Sincromia achieves the PEFC ™ certification

PEFC ™ certification as an added value
Sincromia renews its commitment to the environment
Always attentive to ethical and environmental values, Sincromia obtained the PEFC ™ certification in June 2018 as a user of category 3 (holder of chain of custody certificate) for the production of printed material, issued by Interface NRM Ltd.
The PEFC ™ forest certification scheme (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is created by the non-governmental non-governmental association, which promotes sustainable forest management.
An initiative promoted not only by the forest owners and a part of the European wood industry sector for the certification of forest properties, also by environmental associations, including Legambiente, with the aim of spreading forest management systems worldwide that protect the environment, respect the human, civil and economic rights of the populations involved.
The PEFC ™ brand positioned on a product thus becomes synonymous with Social and Environmental Responsibility for all those companies or bodies that make environmental protection and social commitment a value to be pursued.
The PEFC ™ certified products are considered "ecological" and therefore can be purchased by the Public Administrations in compliance with the Green Public Procurement policies (green purchases of the Public Administration), thanks to the new Procurement Code.