Lucart, green vocation!

Lucart, green vocation!
Sustainability for Lucart is to create quality products respecting the resources of the environment and the future of people.
We talk about this topic with Tommaso De Luca, Corporate Communication Manager, and Giulia Pasquini, Lucart's Corporate Brand Manager.
Sharing the future has always been the commitment of the Lucart Group. A promise to make the world a better place together with the people who believe in us and for the people who use our products.
A principle that has always inspired our work, which is flanked by the other founding values of the Group.
How does it translate into your production process?
Lucart's strategy places the circularity of business models at the center of its action and in particular favors:
• search for alternative raw materials capable of reducing the exploitation of natural resources;
• analysis, design and implementation of circular business models;
• reduction of process waste;
• reuse of process waste for the recovery of materials.

For 2020 you have printed your calendar in Sincromia...
What do you tell us about it?
Printing the calendar in Sincromia has become a pleasant tradition for us. Obviously we chose an FSC® recycled paper and vegetable inks. The calendar theme, developed together with the artist Nicola Ferrarese, is dedicated to a great sporting event which will take place during 2020 and which will thrill everyone!